
Change may be constant in the data center, but tracking infrastructure changes and their potential impact on service levels has usually been anything but constant in IT.

That’s the reason data center managers are adapting to DCIM Process Management.


Automated ticketing system for task process management – ability to assign, claim, suspend, withdraw.

“Best Practice” processes.

Process Configuration.

Ability to alter the flow of processes along with customizing and configuring your own processes.

The Trellis Process Manager enforces a process, including necessary approvals for making changes to the data center infrastructure. It contains four out-of-the-box templates for core data center processes – installing, moving, decommissioning and renaming devices – to ensure best practices are followed when making changes on the data center floor. Actions within these processes cannot be performed without the correct approvals, and all tasks are automatically assigned and delays escalated to the correct person or team. After tasks are completed, the Trellis Process Manager automatically updates the data center plan, ensuring the DCIM plan is always accurate. The templates can be customized as needed to reflect the organization’s workflow.

In addition to automating processes, the Trellis Process Manager helps managers, planners and operators to provide cost-based assessment, evaluation and recommendations to senior management to support budget allocation. The workflow tool provides a far more dynamic and accurate approach to assessment, which today is a manual process fraught with difficulty and inaccuracies. Now, data center managers can have increased confidence in the data center’s abilities to support IT/business requirements.